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Drake Quote Motivation

Love What Loves You

But Never Hate What Hates You

For Hate Is the Burden to Exhaust the Stars In

In the tapestry of life, where love and hate intertwine, it behooves us to embrace the former and eschew the latter. For love, like a beacon of hope, illuminates our path, kindling warmth and joy in our hearts. It is a celestial force that binds us to others, creating an unbreakable bond that transcends time and space. Love has the power to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and inspire us to reach for heights we never thought possible.

Conversely, hate is a corrosive poison that eats away at our very souls. It is a destructive force that breeds darkness and despair, leaving an indelible scar upon our hearts and minds. Hate weighs heavy upon us, like an anchor that drags us down into the depths of misery. It blinds us to reason and virtue, leading us down a path of self-destruction. Hate is a cancer that gnaws at our humanity, leaving us hollow and empty.

Therefore, let us choose love over hate, for it is the only path that leads to true happiness and fulfillment. Let us embrace the love that surrounds us, both from those who are close to us and from those who are yet to come. And let us never allow hate to take root in our hearts, for it is a burden that we cannot afford to bear.
